Whether you are a business owner or work with commercial real estate, you understand out vitally important commercial roofing is. Unless there is a problem with it, there isn’t a lot of thought given to a building’s roof. When you are considering a large-scale business setting, preventing commercial roof damage should be a priority. At Integrity Pro Roofing, we are industry leaders in commercial roofing. Over our many years of experience, we have seen just about everything when it comes to issues with commercial roofing. Here are the top five issues we see the most often with commercial roofs.
Leaks and Faulty Flashing on Commercial Roofs
One of the most common causes of commercial roof damage is faulty flashing. Statistics indicate that about 90% of commercial roof leaks are due to flashing that someone installed incorrectly. Flashing is installed on curbs and walls.
Installing flashing requires accounting for the expansions and contractions in response to the elements. In situations where it begins to leak, the installer may have failed to account for these changes. It’s not always the flashing that causes a leak, it can also be pitch pan issues. The pitch pan is used to seal the areas around pipes that go through the roof. If they are not sealed adequately, they can leak. At Integrity Pro Roofing, our professionals can install flashing correctly, so it doesn’t leak. We can also help protect your business and contents by repairing your commercial roof and replacing leaking flashing.
Wind Damage
Newer roofs and those that have had regular roof maintenance are not as likely to experience wind damage. The exception would be if high or sustained winds caused some structural member to blow over or fall on the roof, penetrating the waterproof membrane. Older roofs and roofs that are not regularly inspected and maintained can encounter catastrophic damage from high or sustained winds. Improper roof construction can also leave your commercial roof vulnerable to wind damage. Wind can put stress on the flashing while creating lift from pressure buildup inside the building. These forces combine to cause cracks and breaks that will no longer hold water. Strong winds are also notorious for blowing the vent caps off chimney pipes, leaving them open for the rain to enter your building easily.
Penetration or Puncture Damage
Commercial roofs are designed to withstand years of weather and foot traffic, but sometimes your roof membrane can be damaged, leading to leaks and costly repairs. One of the more common causes is having HVAC, plumbing, electrical, or even sign contractors working on your roof. Unfortunately, they aren’t always as careful as they should be and can cause damage by dropping heavy objects on your roof. They may damage flashing or pitch pans without even realizing it. We recommend always having your roof inspected by a roofing professional after any contractors work on your roof.
Standing Water Damage
If you notice standing water after a rainstorm that doesn’t seem to flow anywhere, you should contact us to set up an inspection immediately. Pooled or standing water is always a cause for concern. It could be a sign of a breakdown in your roof’s structure, an issue with the original construction slope, a clogged drainpipe, or even a problem with your HVAC system. Over time pooled water will lead to the deterioration of roofing materials and will try hard to find a way down into your building.
Lack of Proper Maintenance and Inspections
When a commercial roof is not maintained regularly it can lead to costly repairs that could have been avoided or minimized. If a worker or business owner notices a small stain or other signs of leaks on the ceilings, a professional should be called in to perform a full inspection. Routine commercial roof inspections can help find problems when they begin saving both money and time. An inspection by a roofing professional at Integrity Pro Roofing can often uncover potential problems that can be fixed easily before they escalate into larger, more expensive problems.
If you’ve noticed any of these problems, or need to schedule routine maintenance or inspections, call the team at Integrity Pro Roofing. Contact us today to speak with a professional about how you can prevent commercial roof damage.