Roof inspections are the lifeline of a working roofing system. They’re made to be sturdy and durable, protecting your home against all kinds of weather conditions. However, they can be worn down drastically over time with hail, rain, wind, or harsh UV rays constantly beating down on them.
These weather conditions, coupled with natural aging processes, are bound to wear down your roof and make it a lot less durable than when you first bought it. This is why roofing inspections are so vital.
As a homeowner, it’s important to regularly cast an eye over your rooftop to ensure that it’s still functioning properly. Roofing inspections give you insight into the performance and integrity of your roofing materials, the efficiency of your gutter system, and more.
To ensure that your roof performs at its best, it’s important to know how regularly your roof needs to be inspected. How often you need to inspect your roof depends on the environment in which you find yourself, your roofing materials, and the age of your roof. Not sure when or how often your roof needs to be inspected? Carry on reading.
Weather Conditions
If your home is in the stormiest part of town, roofing inspections are something that should be completed regularly. Severe weather conditions can significantly damage your rooftop, leaving you exposed for when the next storm comes along.
These weather conditions can severely damage your roofing system. It can lift, tear or crack your shingles, cause holes that may lead to roof leaks, tear off your gutter system, or down nearby trees and electricity poles.
In hot and humid weather climates, roofs are at higher risk of severe UV damage, which can cause them to break down faster. Homes in these environments need frequent roofing inspections to ensure that your home is getting the protection that it needs from your rooftop.
Suppose any trees are hanging over your roof or maybe even in the general vicinity of your home. In that case, you run the risk of the tree being uprooted during a storm or any kind of severe weather and falling onto your roofing system.
To prevent mold growth and water damage, it’s important to trim any overhanging trees. Leaves can collect on your roof, causing drainage issues for gutters that may lead to blockages or require extra maintenance work in the future. It’s important to inspect your roof before Fall and Winter so that your roof is prepared for the seasons.
Historical Home
Moving into a historical home can be exciting, but it does come with its fair share of issues concerning your roofing system. It’s essential to keep an eye on the roof of a historic home as it might be as old as the home itself.
Inspecting the roof of your historic home is important, especially if you want to maintain the aesthetic of your home. Old homes tend to still have their original roofing systems, which means that finding these original materials over time will become much harder should your home require any repairs or even a replacement. By periodically inspecting and conducting roof repairs where necessary, you might be able to put off a roof replacement for a little bit longer.
At Integrity Pro Roofing, we conduct professional roofing inspections to ensure that your roof is in excellent working order. If it’s not, we’re the roofing company to provide you with the best options for roofing replacements or repairs. Give us a call today for all your roofing needs.